Friday, December 11, 2020

Comienza ordenamiento monetario y cambiario a partir del 1ro de enero en Cuba, tasa de cambio única de 24 pesos cubanos por un dólar.


La Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba en su edición número 68 extraordinaria del año 2020 dio a conocer los procedimientos relacionados al ordenamiento monetario en el país. La norma jurídica cuenta con 8 decretos leyes, 3 decretos y tres acuerdos. Descargue el PDF que contiene el texto jurídico.

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez informó en la noche de este jueves que el proceso de ordenamiento monetario y cambiario iniciará a partir del 1ro de enero, con una tasa de cambio única de 24 pesos cubanos por un dólar. 

  • Decreto-Ley 17/2020 De la Implementación del Proceso de Ordenamiento Monetario (GOC-2020-779-EX68)
  • Decreto-Ley 18/2020 Del procedimiento transitorio para el cálculo de pensiones y subsidios de la seguridad social (GOC-2020-780-EX68)
  • Decreto-Ley 19/2020 Del procedimiento para el cálculo de las pensiones por edad, invalidez total y por muerte de los beneficiarios de los regímenes especiales de seguridad social del sector no estatal (GOC-2020-781-EX68)
  • Decreto-Ley 20/2020 Del procedimiento transitorio para el cálculo de las prestaciones monetarias por maternidad de los trabajadores del sector estatal (GOC-2020-782-EX68)
  • Decreto-Ley 21/2020 “Modificativo de la Ley 113 “Del sistema tributario”, de 23 de julio de 2012 (GOC-2020-783-EX68) Decreto-Ley 22/2020 “Arancel de aduanas de la República de Cuba para las importaciones sin carácter comercial” (GOC-2020-784-EX68)
  • Decreto-Ley 23/2020 “Modificativo del Decreto-Ley 357 “De las contravenciones personales en el ejercicio del trabajo por cuenta propia” (GOC-2020-785-EX68)
  • Decreto-Ley 24/2020 “Modificativo de la Ley 130 del Presupuesto del Estado para el año 2020, de 20 de diciembre de 2019” (GOC-2020-786-EX68)
  • Decreto 24/2020 Facultades para la Aprobación de Precios y Tarifas (GOC-2020-787-EX68)
  • Decreto 25/2020 Modificativo del Decreto 283 “Reglamento de la Ley de Seguridad Social”, del 6 de abril de 2009 (GOC-2020-788-EX68)
  • Decreto 26/2020 Modificativo del Decreto 308 “Reglamento de las normas generales y de los procedimientos tributarios”, del 31 de octubre de 2012 (GOC-2020-789-EX68)
  • Acuerdo 8957/2020 (GOC-2020-790-EX68)
  • Acuerdo 8958/2020 (GOC-2020-791-EX68)
  • Acuerdo 8959/2020 (GOC-2020-792-EX68)

En PDF, la Gaceta Oficial

Tomado de Cubadebate

Monday, November 30, 2020

Declaración Asociaciones de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá



Asociaciones de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá

Los miembros de las cuatro asociaciones de cubanos residentes en Canadá patentizamos nuestro respaldo al pueblo y gobierno cubanos en medio de la campaña injerencista de EE.UU. cuyo propósito no ha cambiado desde 1959: derrocar el gobierno constitucional de la isla.

Denunciamos enérgicamente las manipulaciones de los medios dominantes que tratan de tergiversar la realidad de Cuba para denigrarla en el plano internacional, sembrando una matriz de opinión que se aleja vil y groseramente de lo que en realidad ocurre en la isla.

Nosotros seguimos junto a la patria, trabajando juntos para ayudarla, denunciando cada calumnia, defendiendo su soberanía y dignidad y manifestándonos ante cada injusticia que se maquina en contra de Cuba, que resiste día a día el cerco de EE.UU. que intenta rendir por hambre y necesidad a todo un pueblo por intentar construir un futuro mejor para todos.

Condenamos otra vez el ilegal e inhumano bloqueo estadounidense impuesto a nuestra patria unilateralmente hace casi sesenta años. Este bloqueo es la violación más flagrante de los derechos humanos de todos los cubanos, incluso los de aquellos que solo ven las manchas en el sol.

Demandamos respeto al pueblo cubano en su derecho inalienable a la autodeterminación y a la soberanía.

Exigimos el cese de la injerencia eextranjera en los asuntos internos de Cuba.

Para la patria, como siempre, deseamos paz, prosperidad y progreso.


Asociación Cubanos Residentes en Toronto Juan Gualberto Gómez, Toronto

Comunidad Cubana en Canadá, Montreal

Somos Cuba, Montreal

Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Ottawa-Gatineau, Ottawa

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto Juan Gualberto Gómez sella y deja listo para envío contenedor con insumos médicos para Cuba


Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto Juan Gualberto Gómez

Noviembre 29.- Cuba no es solo el nombre de un país, es el terruño arraigado al corazón de muchos cubanos, la patria que nos hace sentir orgullosos. Con amor y sentir patriótico y revolucionario, los miembros de la Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá «Juan Gualberto Gómez», pertenecientes al área de Toronto, llevamos varios años realizando diversos tipos de actividades, entre las que se incluye la ayuda solidaria con nuestro pueblo cubano.

El 3 de septiembre, con una pequeña donación a nuestra asociación, comenzó el proyecto del Contenedor «Sí por Cuba» con el objetivo de enviar insumos médicos para paliar la escasez en el sector de la salud, la cual se agrava con la crisis de la Covid 19 y el inhumano y cruel bloqueo de EE.UU. a nuestro país.

Si bien el plan inicial era llenar un contenedor de 20 pies, la realidad es que, con la ayuda de organizaciones de amistad con Cuba y otras entidades hemos logrado llenar un contenedor de 40 pies y contamos con previsiones para comenzar un segundo envío.

El contenido, valorado en medio millón de dólares canadienses, incluye ventiladores de respiración artificial, máquina de anestesia general, camas de hospitales, sillas de ruedas, material de ortopedia, ginecología, laboratorio clínico, urología, pediatría, entre otros.

El llenado del contenedor se realizó gracias al trabajo voluntario realizado durante varios fines de semanas, y participaron no solo miembros de nuestra asociación, sino también amigos de Cuba que siempre están dispuestos a ayudar y respetando todos los protocolos establecidos en Canadá para evitar el contagio y la propagación de la pandemia.

Con inmensa satisfacción contamos ya con la aprobación para el envío y hemos sellado el contenedor. La estrella de nuestra bandera no se opacará, más brillará por siempre mientras existan cubanos y amigos de Cuba que trabajen por unir y con amor para el bien de nuestra patria. El próximo mes, despedimos un año difícil, pero con la salida de este contendor a Cuba ratificamos el compromiso de apoyo incondicional a nuestra patria.



Monday, November 16, 2020

Message from the Associations of Cubans Resident in Canada to the US-Cuba Normalization Conference


The Associations of Cubans Resident in Canada appreciate this opportunity to voice our position against the US blockade imposed on Cuba more than fifty years ago. To the organizers, we also appreciate deeply your continued solidarity and support for the just cause of Cuba. Thank you to all the guests and panelists.

Although main stream media have always tried to sell the discourse that Cubans who have immigrated to other countries are against their homeland or the socioeconomic system it is building; it is a fallacy, it is not true, in fact, most of us, all over the world, support and defend Cuba’s sovereignty and dignity. Therefore, together we stand against the US blockade that not only affects negatively our relationship with our families, friends and our country of birth, but also affects us, no matter where we live.

We repudiate the blockade and all the punitive sanctions imposed by the US government in its failed attempt to topple the constitutional government of Cuba and starve its population plaguing with necessities and scarcities every single day. It pains us as much as it pains our families and friends in Cuba.

The blockade hits Cuba where it hurts the most: vulnerable sectors of the Cuban population such as, the sick, the children, the old are suffering the effects of the US siege in their daily lives, especially during these times of pandemic.

The blockade also prevents Cuba from reaching all its potential. All those sanctions are an obstacle for the elemental right of the island state to conduct business with third parties due to their extraterritorial implementation.

The illegal US blockade against Cuba is an aberration, it is the oldest and most comprehensible set of sanctions ever imposed by a country on another. It is the punishment to Cuba for simply not accepting Washington’s mandates, and for exercising its right to self-determination.

It is worth noting that despite all of the above, Cuba is a world referent in education, health care, human development care, just to name a few; aspects in which the blockaders register very poor indexes.

How much more could Cuba have achieved had it not been for the hostility and aggressions of the United Sates? We can only imagine. 

Sisters and brothers, today more than ever we are certain that Cuba will prevail with our solidarity and support, and with the spirit of resistance of its heroic people.

To our beloved Cuba we wish prosperity, progress and peace.

Viva Cuba Libre

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Join us to celebrate brother Fidel Castro’s 94th birthday and pay tribute to his remarkable life!


Join us on Thursday, August 13 for an extraordinary International Webinar to celebrate the life and legacy of Fidel Castro on his birth date. Join us for a thoughtful discussion and cultural presentations in tribute to the great revolutionary fighter.

In the nearly four years since his passing on November 25, 2016, the relevance and resonance of Fidel’s revolutionary and socialist ideas, and the practice of the Cuban Revolution he was the central leader of, are greater than ever. They are living examples of how working people and oppressed and exploited humanity can move forward in today’s crisis-ridden capitalist world order, wracked by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic catastrophe.

Fidel Castro is one of the outstanding revolutionary leaders in recorded world history. His life, heroic example, ethics, integrity, and, above all else, his revolutionary and socialist ideas, made a huge impact on 20th Century history and world politics that can never be buried or fabricated with calumny by imperialist propaganda.

Among these towering achievements: the winning of genuine independence and sovereignty — and dignity —for the island nation of Cuba. We look to the policies of the Cuban Revolution which conquered illiteracy; gained equal access for all Cubans to world-class and free health care and public education; and which implemented huge advances in women’s rights and the eradication of racist discrimination. 

We especially note the socialist and anti-imperialist internationalism permanently identified with Fidel and the Cuban Revolution. In particular, we will never forget the decisive part of Fidel’s Cuba in the defense of Angolan sovereignty, the winning of Namibian independence, and the unraveling and defeat of apartheid South Africa. Our panelists and solidarity expressions from around the world will highlight this particularly beautiful essence of Fidel’s life and contribution to the liberation of the working class and humanity.

View Panelists For This Event
Register for Thursday, August 13th Webinar on ZOOM
Welcome, Remembering Fidel
Introduction of Co-Chairs
Nalda Vigezzi — Co-chair of the National Network On Cuba (NNOC)
Nalda Vigezzi — Co-chair of the National Network On Cuba (NNOC)
Ike Nahem —  Longtime anti-imperialist and socialist activist. Retired Amtrak Locomotive Engineer, member Teamsters Union and Railroad Workers United.  He is active in Cuba solidarity work in the New York-New Jersey area and is a central organizer of the International Conference for the Normalization of U.S.-Cuba Relations. Author, The Life of Fidel Castro: A Marxist Appreciation.

Tamara Hansen — Executive member of the Canadian Network on Cuba, Coordinator of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) & Author of “5 Decades of the Cuban Revolution: The Challenges of an Unwavering Leadership"

José Ramón Cabañas 
— Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the United States
Josefina Vidal

Ambassador Josefina Vidal 
— Cuba’s Ambassador to Canada. Lead negotiator in talks with Barack Obama Administration leading to reestablishment of US-Cuba diplomatic relations

Ambassador Ana Silvia Rodriguez 
— Chargé de Affaires, Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations
Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy 
— Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the United Nations. Former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Director General of the Institute of Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies at Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Graduate degrees from Carleton University in Canada and Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences.

Don Rojas 
— Press Secretary for the martyred Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop (1981-1983); Executive Political Editor, The Real News Network; Director of Communications and International Relations, Institute of the Black World; Founder of the award-winning The Black World Today
Mary-Alice Waters

Mary-Alice Waters 
— President of Pathfinder Press, a major US and international publisher of speeches and writings of Fidel Castro and other working-class leaders, from Malcolm X and Farrell Dobbs to Thomas Sankara and Vilma Espín. Waters has edited or written some 30 books on the Cuban Revolution and its communist example.

Clever Banganayi 
— Friends of Cuba Society in South Africa (FOCUS); Clever is a Cuban-trained Engineer who studied in Cuba 1991 to 1996 during the “Special Period” of economic crisis and intensified US economic war. Clever is a recipient of the Friendship Medal Award from the Cuban Council of State for his work in the campaign against the US blockade and for the freedom of Cuban Five.
Vijay Prashad

Vijay Prashad 
— Indian historian, journalist, commentator, and Marxist intellectual. He is an executive director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and the Chief Editor of LeftWord Books.
Gail Walker

Gail Walker 
— Executive Director, IFCO/Pastors for Peace, “Fidel and Medical School of the Americas"
Saving Lives Campaign - Issac Saney, Cheryl LaBash and Sean O'Donoghue
Issac Saney, Canadian Network on Cuba
Cheryl LaBash, National Network on Cuba
Sean O'Donoghue, Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba.
El Jones
EL JONES – A poet, professor, activist and author of, "Live from the Afrikan Resistance!" (Roseway, 2014). Her work focuses on social justice issues such as feminism, prison abolition, anti-racism, and decolonization. 
Katherine Beeman
Katharine Beeman – is a poet, long-time member of La Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba, founding member of le Chapitre québécois du réseau des intellectuels, artistes et mouvements sociaux pour la défense de l'humanité (In defense of Humanity), member and contributing editor of The Canada Cuba Literary Alliance/Alianza literaria Canadá Cuba.
Normand Raymond
Normand Raymond – Singer-songwriter, musician, poet, translator and a member of the Artistes pour la paix du Québec board of directors. As an anti-imperialist and social justice activist, he is a long-time supporter of the Cuban Revolution.
Special International Guests and Solidarity Messages
Alicia Rivera — LA US Hands off Cuba Committee. Environmental and workers rights activist.  Alicia fled El Salvador in 1980 during the civil war.  She became involved in the Salvadoran and Central American refugee movement, giving a testimony about the atrocities committed by the US-backed Salvadoran government against innocent civilians and opposing US economic and military aid to repressive Salvadoran regimes.
A Revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Reanudación de los servicios consulares presenciales en el Consulado General de Cuba en Toronto, mediante citas previamente concertadas

Toronto, 28 de julio de 2020.- Ante la evolución de la situación epidemiológica por la COVID19 en la provincia de Ontario y la adopción de medidas por el gobierno provincial para retomar un grupo de actividades, el Consulado General de Cuba en Toronto informa que, a partir del martes 4 de agosto, se reiniciarán paulatinamente los trámites consulares de forma presencial, previa cita fijada con los interesados.
Los servicios presenciales se ofrecerán los martes y jueves, entre 9.00 a.m y 1.00 p.m., siempre mediante cita previa, que se podrá concertar a través del correo electrónico Los usuarios podrán orientarse sobre los requisitos y aranceles de los servicios consulares (accesible en nuestra Página Web, lo que les permitirá ser atendidos con mayor agilidad a su arribo, a la vez que contribuye a disminuir el tiempo de estancia en nuestra oficina. Se reitera que el pago de los servicios será exclusivamente a través de Tarjeta de Débito INTERAC, Money Order o cheque de banco certificado a favor del Consulado de Cuba.
Dada la existencia de casos activos de COVID-19, continuará siendo una prioridad la protección de los usuarios y del personal de la oficina consular. En ese sentido, el Consulado General adoptará un grupo de medidas sanitarias, que deberán ser estrictamente cumplidas por los visitantes para el acceso a nuestras instalaciones, en correspondencia con las orientaciones establecidas por la administración del edificio donde radica la oficina:
  • Se requiere el uso obligatorio de mascarilla facial para entrar al edificio y al Consulado.
  • Deberá abstenerse de acudir a la oficina en caso de presentar síntomas de fiebre, tos o cualquier otro síntoma respiratorio que pueda estar asociado a la COVID 19.
  • Deberá higienizarse las manos con gel desinfectante u otros medios que estarán disponibles en nuestra oficina.
  • Solo se permitirá la entrada del usuario que recibirá el servicio, a quien se le tomará la temperatura al ingresar a nuestro Consulado. Los acompañantes deberán esperar en las áreas exteriores del edificio, exceptuando a los menores de edad o personas con discapacidad. No se permitirá la entrada de mascotas, excepto perros guías de personas discapacitadas.
  • Solo podrán permanecer 6 personas en la sala de espera, diseñada para mantener la distancia física recomendada entre los usuarios.
Para aquellos trámites consulares que no requieren de la presencia física, el Consulado General se mantendrá brindando preferentemente servicios a través del correo postal, a fin de evitar mayores riesgos ante la situación epidemiológica actual.
Agradecemos la comprensión y colaboración de nuestros usuarios, e instamos a cumplir con los requisitos indicados, en aras de contribuir con la protección y la salud de todos.
Consulado General de Cuba en Toronto

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Feliz Día de las Madres

La Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto "Juan Gualberto Gómez" extiende felicitaciones en este día a todas las madres del mundo. Especialmente a las madres cubanas, quienes en cada momento, sin importar cuál es el obstáculo, aman, cuidan, resisten y luchan por un mundo mejor para todos.

También reconocemos y rendimos honor a las madres cubanas que cumplen misiones internacionalistas en disímiles campos llevando en alto el nombre de la patria. A Uds. nuestro abrazo virtual y nuestro agradecimiento.

Asociación Cubanos Toronto "Juan Gualberto Gómez"

Monday, April 13, 2020

Declaración de las Asociaciones de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá

Las Asociaciones de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá unimos nuestra voz a la exigencia mundial para que EE.UU. levante inmediatamente el illegal bloqueo que unilateralmente impone a Cuba desde 1962. Este bloqueo no solo afecta negativamente a nuestras familias y amigos en la isla, si no que también limita drásticamente los vínculos de los cubanos que vivimos en el exterior con ellos, dada su aplicación extraterritorial.

El bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba, condenado repetidamente por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, busca frenar a toda costa el desarrollo de la isla privándola de fuentes de ingreso a la vez que imposibilita al gobierno llevar a cabo los planes sociales que mejoran el nivel de vida de todos los cubanos. Es el castigo de la potencia más poderosa del mundo a Cuba, que haciendo uso de su derecho de autodeterminación, construye un sistema socioeconómico más justo y equitativo. Es el intento monstruoso de tratar de rendir por hambre y necesidad a un pueblo entero.

Estados Unidos ignora el reclamo mundial que demanda el levantamiento de bloqueos y el cese de medidas coercitivas por el azote de la pandemia, y continúa endureciendo sus sanciones unilaterales contra Cuba, quien se ve imposibilitada de adquirir medicamentos, equipos y materiales necesarios en su lucha contra el Covid-19 en casa e internacionalmente, donde ofrece su aporte solidario a varios países con médicos y enfermeras , a pesar de sus limitaciones.

Como cubanos comprometidos con el bienestar de la patria y defensores de su soberanía, hacemos un llamado a todos nuestros compatriotas, dentro y fuera de la isla, a que se nos unan cuando condenamos el bloqueo que es una violación constante de los derechos elementales de todos los cubanos, limita el potencial humano de la nación e impide el desarrollo económico de Cuba.

Exigimos al gobierno de EE.UU. el levantamiento inmediato del bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial que impone a Cuba y el cese de todas las sanciones contra nuestra patria.

Para nuestra amada Cuba, paz, prosperidad y progreso.

Statement Associations of Cuban Residents in Canada

The Associations of Cuban Residents in Canada join our voice to the worldwide demand for the United States to immediately lift the illegal blockade that it unilaterally imposes on Cuba since 1962. This inhumane blockade not only affects our families and friends on the island, making their lives miserable, but also hampers the efforts of Cubans who live abroad to help them, given its extraterritorial implementation.

The US blockade against Cuba, which has been condemned repeatedly by the United Nations General Assembly, seeks to slow down the development of the island at all costs, depriving it of sources of income while making it impossible for the government to carry out the social plans that improve the standard of living of all Cubans. It is the punishment of the most powerful nation in the world to Cuba, which using its right of self-determination, builds a fairer and more equitable socioeconomic system. It is the monstrous attempt to try to subjugate an entire people out of hunger and need.

The United States ignores the global demand for the lifting of blockades and the cessation of coercive measures due to the scourge of the pandemic, and continues to tighten its unilateral sanctions which prevents Cuba from acquiring the medicines, equipment and materials necessary in its fight against the Covid-19 at home and internationally, where it offers its solidarity contribution to several countries with doctors and nurses, despite its limitations.

We, as Cubans committed to the well-being of the homeland and defenders of its sovereignty, call on all other compatriots, inside the island and abroad, to join us in condemning the blockade, which is a constant violation of the fundamental rights of all Cubans, it limits the nation's human potential, and impedes Cuba's economic development.

We demand the US government the immediate lifting of the economic, financial and commercial blockade that it imposes on Cuba and the cessation of all sanctions against our first homeland.

For our beloved Cuba, peace, prosperity and progress.

Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez”

Comunidad Cubana en Canadá

Somos Cuba

Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Ottawa-Gatineau

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

CNC Fundraising for Cuba: A New Stage

            There has not been any new hurricane, earthquake, or tornado this year, affecting our dear Cuba.  But there has been a combination of two things: a plague and an intensification of the viciousness of panicked imperialism. 

             This combination is compelling friends of Cuba to take some urgent action to help Cuba to alleviate the burdens being piled onto the island.  Revolutionary Cuba has always been blessed with leaders who know how to think, to think with compassion about the interests of their own people and with extraordinary generosity about others.  That attribute has gone a long way to keeping the country buoyant, spiritually and materially.  Cuba knows how to multiply whatever help it gets.  These qualities have evoked in frustrated imperialism the most flagrant manifestations of imperialist hatred.

             Hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes lack this cruel emotion which imperialism with its present leader is now displaying.  U.S. imperialism with its control of the world's reserve currency is able to print as much money as it wants to and to purchase the compliance of some of its own citizens and of others in other parts of the world, in the ugliest schemes devised by its government in the attempt to frustrate Cuba's principled defiance of oppression. 

             One of the Revolution's great achievements in education has made it possible for Cuba to produce a therapy to combat the new corona virus, COVID-19: its Interferon Alfa 2B.  The Trump administration's answer to this success is to launch an intense campaign to dissuade countries, desperate to help their people, from purchasing this desired source of reasonably priced medicine.

             Already as of March 29, 45 countries have requested Cuba's inhalant Interferon. This includes Brazil, which, in a moment of Balsonaro's extreme irrationality and mimicking imperialist propaganda, had expelled Cuban doctors from Brazil calling them terrorists.  6,000 Cuban doctors will now be redeployed to repentant Brazil.  But the provocations will not end.  The U.S. keeps arbitrarily imposing sanctions against the island and its stalwart allies, such as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, whose president it now, in a preposterous gesture of war promotion, attempts to demonize as a narcotrafficker. 

             Firstly, we have to let Cuba's achievements be known.  Interferon Alfa 2B has a high profile right now, but the lung cancer vaccine known as CIMAvax—developed by Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center based in Buffalo, New York, and Cuba's Center for Molecular Immunology, and produced at the first-ever joint venture between an American hospital and Cuba, launched in September 2019 in Cuba under the name: Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance, S.A. —may soon be seen as equally important.

             Secondly, we have to help Cuba not only to continue providing for a healthy life for its heroic people, but to go further in fulfilling the potential of its educational and social systems so that it can contribute even more amazingly to human well-being and development.
             We will recognize the crucial importance of helping Cuba at this time by initiating a vigorous fundraising campaign, to support Cuba’s humanitarian efforts in this fight against COVID-19. 

             The CNC is launching this Cuba Against COVID-19 campaign.  100 percent of all funds raised will be sent to Cuba.   Cheques should be made out to the Canadian Network on Cuba and mailed to:   

Sharon Skup, 56 Riverwood Terrace, Bolton, Ontario L7E 1S4.

             Unfortunately, we are still not able to provide charitable tax receipts, although we send receipts for the funds donated, together with our thanks for your support for science in Cuban culture. 

Keith Ellis, Coordinator
CNC Cuba Against COVID-19 Campaign

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Open Letter to Western Union Canada

Western Union Financial Services (Canada), Inc
330 Bay Street, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 2S8

Dear Madam/Sir,

I’m writing to you on behalf of the Association of Cubans Resident in Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez”. We are very concerned that starting today, we can no longer send money to Cuba. This restriction negatively affects our ability to help our relatives in the island, and therefore affects our family ties.

In October 2019, the U.S. Treasury Department´s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) put into effect a new regulation that limits to no more than one thousand U.S. dollars per quarter the remittances that a U.S. citizen can send to relatives in Cuba. However, there are no prohibitions or restrictions in place in Canada to send money to Cuba, and even there are specific legislations, such as  the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (FEMA) of 1985 and the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Order of 1992, which prohibit a Canadian corporation, including Canadian subsidiaries and branches of U.S. companies, as it is the case of Western Union Canada, to comply with a Cuba-related extraterritorial measure of the United States.

We believe that Western Union Canada recent decisions and practices concerning transfers of money to Cuba violate our rights as Canadian citizens, as well as Canadian law. We respectfully request to receive an explanation from your company on this matter.


Julio Fonseca
Association of Cubans Resident in Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez”