Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mensaje de apoyo de la CNC a activistas por los Cinco en Washington

La Red Canadiense de Solidaridad con Cuba (CNC), de la cual la Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto "Juan Gualberto Gómez" es miembro pleno y parte de su ejecutivo, en cumplimiento de una resolución aprobada en en su VI Convención Bienal, recientemente celebrada en Toronto, envía un saludo de apoyo solidario a los activistas de todas las latitudes que se reunirán en Washington del 30 de mayo al 5 de junio para celebrar la jornada "Cinco Días por los Cinco" y exigir al gobierno estadounidense la libertad inmediata e incondicional de los Cinco Héroes cubanos, luchadores antiteroristas que sufren largas e injustas condenas en ese país por defender el derecho a la paz y a la vida.

Greetings to the Five Days for the Five, Washington, DC, May 30-June 5, 2013

Dear sisters and brothers,

The Canadian Network on Cuba, on behalf of the Canada-Cuba solidarity and friendship movement, warmly greet all those gathered in Washington over these five days in the fight to break the wall of silence and disinformation that surrounds the just cause of the Five Cuban Heroes. As exemplars of Cuba, they represent the best of the struggle for self-determination, independence and human dignity. Their ongoing victimization by the U.S. government for defending their homeland from terrorism is an affront to the peoples of the world.

Our recently concluded 6th Convention reaffirmed our resolute commitment to continue mobilizing to demand that the U.S. government immediately and unconditionally free all of the Five Heroes. As long any of the Five Heroes remain in prison, we will not pause in our struggle for their freedom! Together with your efforts, and all those across the world, justice will prevail!

Free All the Five Cuban Heroes Now!

In solidarity,
On behalf of the Canadian Network On Cuba
Isaac Saney
Co-Chair & National Spokesperson

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